Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Nostalgia 3: Ma-ma-sak 家家酒

     As a girl, this is another favourite childhood games of mine!

      The name Ma-ma-sak was derived from Malay -  "Masak-masak" which carries the meaning of "Cooking".

     So, from the name itself, you would know that this is a game that involves cooking.

     I believe, there are still many children who are playing this game nowadays. However, they get to enjoy a more "luxury" game, where better "cooking tools" are used compared to my era.

     Having said that, the experience of playing my version of Ma-ma-sak still put a nostalgic smile on my face, until today!

     Living in a poor family in a small town, we don't get a chance to own "luxury" cooking tools, instead we played with some unwanted or broken kitchen utensils given by our parents.

     Although the cooking tools look shabby, but being country kids, we got to play with real "ingredients"!

     Vegetables = leaves picked from the trees;

     Fish = small fish caught from the drain; (thinking back now, cruel were we...but kids being kids)

     Soup = water took from bucket;

     Money = little rocks pick from the roadside.

     Ready? It's play time!

     Role playing: 2 girls (most boys think this is a girl thing, very few will enjoy playing it together with the girls)

    "I will be the papa, and you will be the mama."   "Ok, ok!" 

     Scene 1: At the market

     Leaves were being tied into small bundles, putting on the table (that served as a stall)...

     "How much is this choy-sum*?"   * cabbage in Cantonese

     "20 cents."

     "Wah, so expensive... 10 cents la..."

     "Ok la...ok la..."

     "And I also want the fish."

     "Here is the money." (handing over the rocks)

     Scene 2: Back home 

     The leaves were being chopped into smaller pieces. And the fish....Nah, you don't want to know about it.

     "Hmmm... nice smell, what are you cooking?" Papa walks in pretending he just came home from work.

     "Choy-sum soup and fish curry." Mama answers while stirring the leaves in a pot of water.

     "I'm so hungry." Papa said while rubbing her* stomach.

     "Ready to eat now!" Mama put the pot of soup and the fish on the table.


     And both of the girls eat happily (pretentious of course!) 

     These are just two of the many scenes we played in the game, we were so creative back then that we created interesting storyline for our game.

     Sometimes, when I do my grocery shopping in the supermarket, picking up vegetables or fish as the ingredients for my meals, I can't stop but recalling the wonderful game I was preoccupied with as a kid.

     Ma-ma-sak, anyone?

Monday, 24 September 2012

What does a promise mean to you?

 What does a promise mean to you?
It can be as light as a feather, or as weight as a mountain.
A broken promise is like an overdue cheque, not only it's regretted, but the issuer would lose two important things in life - credence and respect from others.
Don't simply give a promise without knowing whether you could keep it, never lose your goodwill simply because of your impulse!

没有被兑现的诺言,就像是一张逾期的支票;不但让人感觉惋惜,也让发票者失去很重要的 ~ 信用与尊重。

Saturday, 22 September 2012


     六年了,我仍然开着同一部车子; 一部车龄17的车子。偶尔,朋友们见了,会好奇地问:“都这么陈旧了,干吗不把它给换了?”

     “难道你对车子都没有要求吗?” 有些朋友看见我那陈旧的车子,觉得不可思议。

     他们,只说对了一半。 事实上,对于车子,我是一个没有什么要求的人,只求它可以将我带到想去的地方,免我日晒雨淋,就已经足够 。至于什么牌子、有多豪华,这一切,对我来说,都是其次。







     有了车子,我兑现了当初的诺言,经常载着母亲到处去 ~ 菜市场、百货商店、兜风等等。

     后来,我陆陆续续换了三部车子,都是二手车; 不过,每一辆车子,都满满地装载着我和母亲的美好记忆。一起出游时,她是我最好的助手,总是适时地为我递来食物与水。







     每一天,坐进车子里,我总会说一句:“我爱你!” 是对逝去的母亲而说,也是对车子而说;感谢他们在我生命里的某段岁月,陪着我,给予我满满的爱,让我不曾感觉孤单! 


Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Appreciate life, you will never get a second chance!

     Yesterday, a sad news was broadcasted over the TV, a girl who had a heart transplant 5 years ago died due to heart failure.

     She is no stranger to us as the news of her waiting so long for a suitable heart has been reported years ago. Although she has to rely on a battery-operated artificial heart for her survival, she has always been a happy and optimistic girl. 

     I still remember how we felt happy for her when a suitable heart finally brought new light to her life 5 years ago!

     She is a real fighter and I truly respect her will to live a normal life despite her complicated condition.

     As many of the people shed a tear or two for the passing of this brave girl, another sad (or perhaps the more appropriate word is indignant) news was broadcasted on TV on the same day. A 23-year old woman flung her new born baby girl out of the window from her home on third floor, and the worst part is, the baby was still alive while her mother (I'm not sure that's the correct term to be used as she seems too cold-blooded) tossed her out from the window!

     While her ruthless act was frowned upon by everyone, I recalled couple years ago, a young boy (most probably in his 18 or 19) announced his suicide on Facebook due to relationship failure. No one has taken his posting seriously, everyone (including his family and friends) thought he was just joking, sadly, this boy took his own life jumping off a building, not long after his posting on Facebook.

     Seeing all these news, a question kept pondering in my mind: "What does life really mean to them?"

     And what does life mean to you?

     For the brave girl who long for a life which can provide her a longer chance to experience this beautiful world, to be with her loved ones; and yet, God took away her life, and all her wishes......without any negotiations.

     For the baby girl who was flung out the window, she didn't even get a chance to see how beautiful this world is; her so called "mother" crumbed her rights to live......

     For the teenage boy who ended his own life, not only he broke the hearts of his loved ones, but his act was a real mordacity to those who merely beg for a chance to be able to breathe, for example the girl who died of heart failure......

     Life is beautiful and yet fragile at the same time, for some, life could comes with hardships, but even it is, no one has the rights to take away a life, be it the life of their own, or someone else's. 

     Everyone born into this world with a purpose, and life is meant to be celebrated, not to be ended.

     At anytime, if there is a thought of hurting yourself, or ending a life, please, and please, stop for a moment and think: " Do I really want to do this? Do I have the rights to do this?"

     Life is so precious, no one has any rights to end such a precious thing; to be able to breathe, is a blessing, please remember that!

     Most importantly, appreciate life; as once you lose it, you will NEVER get a second chance!     

Friday, 14 September 2012

Be punctual, please!

     I dislike people who are not punctual.

     I even dislike more those who dislike people who are not punctual, but they themselves are not punctual.

     Get it?

     I often see people who always complain and make a big fuss when others were late, however, they themselves are always late, yet they feel it's not a big deal!

     I have no respect to these people at all!

     I'm a punctual person in life, especially when it comes to appointments with others, I always make sure I go out from home or office earlier, so I can arrive early to wait for the other party; that's my habit.

     Everybody equally has 24 hours a day, so why should we waste each others' time spending it waiting?

     It's not difficult to be punctual, you just have to put a priority to it, get ready and go to your destination a little earlier.

     Life is like a mirror, it treats you the way how you treat yourself and others; so never expect others to respect you when you couldn't even walk your talk, let alone complaining too much on what you don't even believe.

     Being punctual is a virtue, keep it up in your life and you will be well respected!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Nostalgia 2: Seven Stones 七粒石

     Being a girl, this is one of the games I liked and played the most as a kid.

     How to play? It's simple!       

Tiny rice-filled sacks made of colourful rags.
     But first, you need to get yourself a set of 7 stones. During the impoverished era, we don't have the luxury of making rice-filled sacks like what they did for Batu Seremban now; so we do we get our stones? 

     Well, we normally get it from the roadsides, personally, my favourite spot would be a place where a house is in construction, with sands and tiny rocks piling up at the site. Sometimes, I can spent hours picking and choosing the tiny rocks of my preference! (Tips: the rocks must not be too big nor too tiny, best to be roundish in shape)

     Now, we are ready to play!

     1.  Throwing
         * Throw the 7 stones on the floor;   
         * make sure the gap between the stones are not too wide, or else it would be difficult to pick it up later;
       * For those who enjoy challenges, they would purposely throw the stones with wider gaps; during the catching process, they will then pick up the stones by swiping across the gap. If they succeed, they will be cherished by their playmates.

     2. First Catch
        * Throw 1 stone into the air, quickly pick up 1 stone from the floor and catch the first stone that being thrown into the air earlier.

     3. Second Catch
       * Then, throw another stone into the air, this time to quickly grab 2 stones from the floor before catching the stone in the air.      

     4. Last catch
       * 1 stone is thrown into the air, but to quickly pick up the remaining 3 stones from the floor before catching the stone in the air again.

     5. Flipping
       * Once the throwing and catching are completed, hold all the 7 stones in your palm, then flip your palm so the stones are now on the back of your hand;

       * when you do this, not all stones will stay as some might fell off)

     6.  Dan (担) - to count the points gained
       * Then comes the trickiest part, now you have to throw the stones directly from the back of your hand into the air and quickly catch it, the numbers of stones to be caught must be even i.e. 2,4,6. Each of the even numbers of stones caught is consider your points, 2 stones equal to 1 Dan, 4 stones equal to 2 Dan and 6 stones equal to 3 Dan;

       * if you think this is easy, then you might want to think again. More than often, you might end up catching an odd number which gains you nothing at all!

     7. The player with most points WINS!

     This game is being labeled as "girlish" as it's more popular among the girls, however, there are also some boys who enjoyed the game too!

     Back then, almost every kid has their own set of stones and they normally don't share their stones.

     Due to frequent practices and playing, the stones which were once rough and thorny can be easily polished up to be roundish and shiny in no time!

     Sometimes, I wonder, instead of swiping their fingers on the iPad, isn't it nicer for the kids nowadays to swipe the 7 stones from the floor?

     Is it my wishful thinking, or will it be a reality as retro is slowly emerging into our lives again now?

     Ough, I should have kept my set of 7 stones from my childhood!

Friday, 7 September 2012

Feel grateful to wake up! 梦醒,真好!

     Last night, I had a funny dream about my sister and my niece who are 400km away from me.

     When I opened my eyes this morning, recalling the dream, I couldn't help but giggling on my bed.

     So, I picked up the phone and called my sister, "Hey sis, want some morning jokes?"

     "Sure!" she said.

     "Last night, I dreamed about......" I shared the funny dream with her over the phone.

     Then, both of us had a good laugh in the morning breeze!

     I always feel grateful about waking up in the morning, and will smile into the mirror as I dress up, telling myself: "Hey, you have woke up to another brand new day, it's gonna be an amazing day!"

     Wearing my favorite perfume to complete my dressing up, I will then begin my day in a good mood! Most of the time, my day will be smooth sailing!

     Many many years ago, I worked as a temporary teacher at a primary school while waiting for the results of my high school exam. I remembered one of my students who was then a 12-year old boy died in his dream, without any prior symptoms nor any last words; besides dying too young, the saddest part is, he didn't even get a chance to wake up and share his dreams with the people he loved.

     As I grew up, I witnessed and heard of many cases where people passing in their dreams, without getting a chance to share it, but to leave their loved ones with broken hearts.

     Because of that, I always feel grateful to be able to wake up every morning (in the voices of nature as I live close to the woods), it's even better if I had some sweet dreams the night before to be shared with my loved ones!

     Isn't that wonderful?

     Live and enjoy every moment as life is too precious to be wasted! Carpe diem!




     他是一个帅气、性格开朗...嗯,或许我应该说性格有点“大喇喇”的男生; 他从不掩饰自己,喜怒哀乐总写在脸上; 偶尔聊得兴起,他会忘形大笑,不会在乎别人的眼光; 跟他相处,让我感觉舒服自在。

     他,就是有一种魅力,可以将自己的快乐,感染了身边的人,让四周的气氛一并融洽起来; 说真的,偶尔,我还挺羡慕他的。



     “你也变得成熟了耶!” 我调侃他。 他马上展开那“招牌式”的忘形大笑。

     话匣子一打开,他的真性情马上“无所遁形”; 纵使留了胡渣子,他的心里边,仍旧住着一个最真的他!


     还记得,在一次的旅程中,遇上一位年轻的洋人男生, 我们一见如故,并结伴一起去旅行。在旅程中,他跟我分享他的想法,当时,我告诉他:“或许,五年后或十年后的你,就不会这么想了。”



     现在回想起来,我觉得他说得一点都没错。跟他一起去旅行时,我们讲了好多玩笑式的粗口,为旅程增添了不少乐趣,至今仍旧让我回味无穷。 这,也让我发掘了自己的另一面,原来,这是一个可以让我发泄,并快乐起来的管道。

     平日,基于身份、工作,以及种种的理由,人都不自觉地为自己戴上面具,将自己最真的一面隐藏起来。说我就好了,在别人眼里,我是“乖乖女”一名,行为举止都很淑女; 我想啊,如果有一天,我在人前说起粗口,地上不摔满了眼镜碎片,才怪!


      “唉,这就是最真的我,已经回不了头了...是你教我的耶,不是吗?" 我调侃自己,也调侃他。

     “做自己最好,对吧?” 他说。 

      “ :-) ”  我回了个笑脸。


     有些人,基于种种理由,戴了一辈子的面具,没办法将自己最真的一面表露出来,很悲哀吧? 我想,我是幸福的,至少,在某些地方、某些人前、某些时刻,我可以轻轻松松,做个百分百的自己,就像婴孩一样单纯!


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

No one can resist a nice warm hug!

     I enjoy hugging others, I would hug the people around me whenever there is a chance.

     No, I'm not a hugaholic; I just like the warm feelings of hugging others and being hugged.

     Unlike the Western countries where hugging is a normal gesture,  living in the other part of the world, hugging is not something common in the society I'm living in.

     Being a Chinese growing up in a traditional family, hugging is not a common practice in my family; when it comes to love expression, we are reserved, we don't tell, but show it by action.

     However, my perception changed when I ventured out from home, to the world. 

     Seeing and experiencing hugging myself, opens up my mind; I enjoy the good feelings from hugging, be it a friendly hug, or an affectionate hug.

     Then, I started to practice it in my life, in the society I'm living in. Initially, it's kinda hard for me and also the people around me (as they are not used to it). There were some awkward and funny moments, but as time goes by and I continue to do it, wonderful things happen!

     "Can I hug you?"

      Vanessa is my close friend for more than 14 years, but I never hug her. Being Asians, we are more reserved in this; as much as I feel like giving her a hug, but I never did simply because I scared she couldn't accept it.

     One day, before we waved good bye at each other after our meet up, I had an impulse of hugging her; not wanting to hold it any longer, the question blurted out from my mouth: "Can I hug you?"

     Then, it was a good moment of silence between us, and the situation is kinda...awkward!

     "OK." she nodded her head after a while.

     So, I spread my arms and gave her a hug. It was a quick one because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. "Good bye and take care!" I waved at her after the hug.

     On the way back, a smile blossomed on my face, for the awkward yet funny moment ~ I have just hugged my best friend, although I need to ask for her permission!

     No one can resist a nice warm hug!

     Last week, I met Vanessa again for afternoon tea.

     When we bid each other goodbye in the mall, I spread my arms, expecting to give her a hug. To my surprise, instead of hugging me, she gave me a handshake and said: "I don't think I can hug you here."

     My arms were rushed to empty, don't know how to react, then to my surprise again, she gave me a hug, "Good bye and take care," she said.

     A smile blossomed on my face again (and on hers too). 

     Not long after, I received a text message from her...Initially, I thought it would be awkward to hug you in the public, but in reality, it feels good.

     I replied... Yes, no one can resist a nice warm hug! :-)

      That was our second hug to complement our friendship of more than 14 years, the feeling? Superb! And I believe there will be more hugging for us in future.

     Mama ~ how I wish I could hug you tight, for one more time...

     I used to hug my mom when I was a little girl, but as I grew up, I stopped hugging her (without any reason), and the hugging disappeared between us.

     On one of my trip going back hometown, I took a good look at her and I noticed aging had left ruthless trace on her face. The fact is, I couldn't even recall when was the last time I hug my mom (most probably when I was 7 or 8). Suddenly, I felt a deep sorrow in my heart.

     "Why do I stop hugging the person I love the most in this world?"  I asked myself.

     From that day on, I told myself to hug her and show my love to her. 

     However, it was not easy since is has been close to 20 years I never hug her. So, I need to use a little tactic. How? I began by holding her hands and her shoulders, seeing her comfortable with that, I moved another step further by hugging her from the back. I continued to do that over a period of time and finally one day, I gave her a real good hug!

     To my surprise, she liked it very much as I can see the smile on her face, she even hug me back tightly. Perhaps, she has been waiting it for many years from me!

     From then on, I hugged her more and more often, I even took a step further by telling her I love her and kissed her on her cheeks. Initially, she was a bit embarrassed, but she quickly get used to it and enjoyed my love to her.
     The bonding between us got closer and closer until she passed away in 2009. 

     After her passing, I felt no regret as we have shared all the best moments while she is still alive.

     If you ask me what do I wish for now, I would say if there is a chance, I wish I could hug my mom for one more time...real tight...and tell her I love her!

     Time waits for no one, hug the people you love NOW! 

     Knowing the fact that nothing is permanent and you might lose someone you love anytime, I don't keep my feelings nowadays; I hug the people I love whenever there is a chance, I even hug my sister now (whom I never hug before). She is 15 years my senior and I always felt there is a gap between us. However, it all changed after our first hug, our bonding is getting closer now, and we feel great about it!

     Time is the most cruel thing in life, it waits for no one; if you love someone, please don't keep it, just follow your heart and express your feelings to them, better still if you could give them a hug.

     Believe me, no one can resist a nice warm hug!



Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Vanessa Lee ~ 我的好姊妹



        “以前,不认识你的时候,觉得你总是一副凶巴巴的样子,都不敢跟你说话。” 回想起相识的最初,你这么调侃我。

        “那现在呢?” 我捉狭地问。

        “ 现在哦,几乎你所有的秘密我都知道啦!” 你打哈哈地说。

        “那,如果有一天,任何人知道我的秘密时,不用问了,那个泄露的人,一定是你!” 我也打哈哈地附和。






        “哎,以前住在同一个城市时,总觉得没有经常聚在一起,现在分隔远了, 反倒急切期盼可以常常相聚...” 偶尔,在电话里,你会这么感叹。

        “没关系啦,至少我们还可以透过电话聊天嘛; 我们这两个傻婆呀,注定是要让电讯公司赚个够啦!” 我总这么回答,然后,电话两端响起一阵笑声。

        可不是吗?世界上最远的距离,是心与心之间的距离; 只要有心,哪怕距离再远, 都不是问题,我们大概就是最好的例子吧?

        你,不但是我最好的朋友、最好的姊妹,同时更是我的亲人; 我的人生,因为你的出现而精彩; 我的友情列车,因为你的登上而变得热闹起来!





Sunday, 2 September 2012

Nostalgia 1: Running freely in the rain!


      This definitely top my list!

     Even when I recall it now, I simply couldn't hold the smiles on my face!

     Being an active kid living in a tropical country, nothing beats running freely in the rain, enjoying a cold shower from the sky, without worrying of falling sick!

     The adults called us 旱鸭子 in Chinese, which carry the meaning of landlubbers, in their eyes, we look like the wild kids who have never seen the rains in our lives. The feeling of rain water rolling down our body, kicking a few splashes of mud water with our feet......simply amazing!

     Sometimes, we got scolded badly or even grounded by our parents when we returned home like a drowned rat! But, we normally played dumb to all the nagging, and sneak out to play in the rain whenever there is a chance!

     "Hey look, there is a little crab here!" a friend of mine shouted while pointing her finger to a pool of rain water in the field.

     "Hey come, there is a little crab in the rain water!" another kid shouted in excitement, attracting more kids running towards the same direction.

     Everyone circling the pool of water with the little crab in it, all the faces looked excited, like they have discovered a new world!

     "Come, let me pick it up!" a young brave boy reached out his hand to the little crab.

     Then, he swing the poor little crab towards the girls! 

     "Ahhh........!!" the girls screamed and ran.

     "Ha ha ha...!!" naughty laughs donned the boy's face.

     And we didn't even know where that poor little crab came from, guess it was our lucky day, and a bad day for the little crab!

     Running in the rain used to be one of the most favourable activities of mine during my childhood, and I have tonnes of sweet memories of it!

     Have you ever run in the rain when you were a kid?

     Perhaps, when it rains next time, I should keep my umbrella and enjoying the great feeling of showering in the rain again! :)