Friday 7 September 2012

Feel grateful to wake up! 梦醒,真好!

     Last night, I had a funny dream about my sister and my niece who are 400km away from me.

     When I opened my eyes this morning, recalling the dream, I couldn't help but giggling on my bed.

     So, I picked up the phone and called my sister, "Hey sis, want some morning jokes?"

     "Sure!" she said.

     "Last night, I dreamed about......" I shared the funny dream with her over the phone.

     Then, both of us had a good laugh in the morning breeze!

     I always feel grateful about waking up in the morning, and will smile into the mirror as I dress up, telling myself: "Hey, you have woke up to another brand new day, it's gonna be an amazing day!"

     Wearing my favorite perfume to complete my dressing up, I will then begin my day in a good mood! Most of the time, my day will be smooth sailing!

     Many many years ago, I worked as a temporary teacher at a primary school while waiting for the results of my high school exam. I remembered one of my students who was then a 12-year old boy died in his dream, without any prior symptoms nor any last words; besides dying too young, the saddest part is, he didn't even get a chance to wake up and share his dreams with the people he loved.

     As I grew up, I witnessed and heard of many cases where people passing in their dreams, without getting a chance to share it, but to leave their loved ones with broken hearts.

     Because of that, I always feel grateful to be able to wake up every morning (in the voices of nature as I live close to the woods), it's even better if I had some sweet dreams the night before to be shared with my loved ones!

     Isn't that wonderful?

     Live and enjoy every moment as life is too precious to be wasted! Carpe diem!


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